Ethical Recruitment Principles

low-angle photography of man in the middle of buidligns
low-angle photography of man in the middle of buidligns

1. Recruitment takes place in a way that respects, protects, and fulfils internationally recognized human rights, including those expressed in international labor standards, and in particular the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining, and the prevention and elimination of forced labour, child labour and discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.

2. Recruitment responds to established labour market needs and does not serve to displace or diminish an existing workforce, to lower labour standards, wages, or working conditions, or to otherwise undermine decent work.

3. Appropriate legislation and policies on employment and recruitment apply to all workers, labour recruiters, and employers.

4. Recruitment takes into account policies and practices that promote efficiency, transparency, and protection for workers in the process, such as mutual recognition of skills and qualifications.

5. The regulations for employment and recruitment activities are clear, transparent, and effectively enforced. The role of the labour inspectorate and the use of standardized registration, licensing, or certification systems are highlighted. The competent authorities take specific measures against abusive and fraudulent recruitment methods, including those that could result in forced labour or trafficking in persons.

6. Recruitment across international borders respects the applicable national laws, regulations, employment contracts, and applicable collective agreements of countries of origin, transit, and destination, as well as internationally recognized human rights, including the fundamental principles and rights at work, and relevant international labour standards. These laws and standards are effectively implemented.

7. No recruitment fees or related costs should be charged to, or otherwise borne by, workers or jobseekers.

8. The terms and conditions of a worker’s employment are specified in an appropriate, verifiable, and easily understandable manner, and preferably through written contracts in accordance with national laws, regulations, employment contracts, and applicable collective agreements. They are clear and transparent, and inform the workers of the location, requirements, and tasks of the job for which they are being recruited. In the case of migrant workers, written contracts should be in a language that the worker can understand, be provided sufficiently in advance of departure from the country of origin, be subject to measures to prevent contract substitution, and be enforceable.

9. Workers’ agreements to the terms and conditions of recruitment and employment are voluntary and free from deception or coercion.

10. Workers have access to free, comprehensive, and accurate information regarding their rights and the conditions of their recruitment and employment.

11. The freedom of workers to move within a country or to leave a country is respected. Workers’ identity documents and contracts are not confiscated, destroyed, or retained.

12. Workers are free to terminate their employment and, in the case of migrant workers, to return to their country. Migrant workers do not require the employer’s or recruiter’s permission to change employers.

13. Workers, irrespective of their presence or legal status in a state, have access to free or affordable grievance and other dispute resolution mechanisms in cases of alleged abuse of their rights in the recruitment process, and effective and appropriate remedies are provided where abuse has occurred.